Working with the Logbook and Online Training Supplement

Two problems camera trainees experience on set are:

– knowing the relevant questions to ask 


– feeling confident in their training progress


The CineCertified framework guides the trainee in finding relevant questions to ask which will lead them towards achieving an appropriate level of knowledge while at the same time building on their development in stages, preparing them for completion of a Final Assessment. 


The framework does not give the answers to questions. The priority of the framework is actively encouraging trainees to take charge of their learning throughout their time working with the logbook by being self-driven in finding the answers and working with as many different trainers/crew as possible to gain an appropriate level of knowledge. Once they feel comfortable they have achieved this for any stage of a skill, they can request to be signed off by their peer* who will take responsibility for checking that they are ready to progress to the next stage.

 *Focus Puller/1st AC or Clapper Loader/2nd AC. No other grades can sign off.



Camera Skills are broken down into 3 stages, each requiring a different signature. This is our training system SODOTO in effect. 

Observation, Demonstration and Communication. 

Each stage builds on what came before, and each requires a varying amount of work days logged before the trainee can advance.


For each of the Camera Skills in the logbook, you will find corresponding Key Learning Points here on the Online Training Supplement. The trainee must make every effort to feel comfortable with understanding each individual point while considering the specific stage of SODOTO they are at, before they request to be signed off by their peer*. 


At the same time, any peer* who has been requested to sign off, is responsible for discerning whether or not that camera trainee has gained the appropriate level of knowledge for the particular stage of SODOTO. If you are a Focus Puller/1st AC or Clapper Loader/2nd AC, Please see a simple guide to help you with this by clicking the link below.

 *Focus Puller/1st AC or Clapper Loader/2nd AC. No other grades can sign off.


Accountability vs Responsibility

CineCertified holds the view that a trainee is a trainee and their priority is to learn how to become a safety conscious, skilled and competent camera assistant and benefit to the camera department’s future by being properly prepared by their peers to progress.


Any Camera Trainee taking part in the logbook programme is responsible for pursuing the appropriate level of knowledge for all key learning points while working through the stages of SODOTO – although we feel it is important to make the distinction between responsibility and accountability in how they learn, duties they are given day to day and signing off a trainee before they are ready to progress.


It is solely the responsibility of the trainer/peer* to make their own assessment of the camera trainee before signing them off and ensuring they have achieved the appropriate level of knowledge for the specific stage of any skill. In their individual teaching methods, they are responsible for providing correct training and to an appropriate level, but also recognising that while they may delegate duties onto a trainee, without providing correct training or providing the correct example as the senior AC/trainer, we must all take responsibility and hold ourselves accountable when things go wrong in the case of trainees who have not been given appropriate attention to developing their learning. 

This is not a radical new idea, but how it already is on set, senior crew who are responsible for the training they give and accountable for lack of quality in their training – we are simply putting that into writing.

 *Focus Puller/1st AC or Clapper Loader/2nd AC. No other grades can sign off.


Let’s build a benchmark – together!

From the camera trainees induction day, they will be made aware of their responsibility and how they will be assessed, and this will have a positive impact on their self-driven learning. By working with the Online Training Supplement they will be given a solid understanding of what they need to achieve before progressing on to their Final Assessment, and so they will commit to feeling comfortable and confident with all key learning points expected of them.

The logbook will install in them a new way of learning, laid out with a clear progression pathway pushing camera trainees towards “I must gain the appropriate level of knowledge!” and “I will learn more!” will become staples of thinking for trainees. And for the trainers – in time the question they will be asking their prospective trainee is “have you started your logbook yet?” 

If you are a camera trainee taking part in the logbook programme, please follow this link to the Online Training Supplement. Here you will find a outline of all the skills and the key learning points for each camera skill broken down into SODOTO’s “see”, “do” and “teach”.

If you are a trainer (focus puller/first AC or clapper loader/second AC) and a trainee has requested your assessment and/or sign off, please follow this link for all the relevant information to help you work with the CineCertified framework.