What is the CineCertified framework?

The framework has been created to standardise training and learning in the camera department. It utilises the SODOTO learning model, peer-reviewed assessment and requires completion of minimum requirements, which culminates in a final assessment. The aim is to encourage camera trainees towards being self-driven in their learning and to achieve a new competency training benchmark in the UK camera department. 

What is the “appropriate level of knowledge”?

This is what a camera trainee should aim to achieve for each stage of the framework and overall, when it comes to their final assessment. It is both the responsibility of the trainee and the trainer to fully realise this concept. 

The trainee only requests to be assessed/signed-off by their peer on a stage of SODOTO, having first logged the relevant minimum number of days worked on set and feel confident they have covered all the key learning points while utilising the appropriate stage ie. See One, Do One, Teach One.

The trainer (focus puller or clapper loader) – it is their duty, as it has always been to take responsibility for ensuring the level of training their trainee is receiving. By working with the framework, utilising the training system SODOTO and having awareness of the key learning points for the skill to which they are signing, they will make their own assessment to test their trainees knowledge. 

Ultimately, responsibility always rests with the trainer/signatory to ensure that the camera trainee has gained the appropriate level of knowledge on the stage of the training system they are signing them off for as it is the trainer who deems what is appropriate. 

How long does it take to complete the logbook?

The logbook includes these minimum requirements:

– Peer-assessed sign off of all camera skills

– 18 months experience

– 200 logged working days as a camera trainee

– 10 days gaining rental house experience or alternative camera relevant training

– 5 key references from experienced technicians

– Completion of the recognised professional development skills

Having achieved these minimums, the camera trainee can apply for their final assessment. 

Does the CineCertified framework replace camera trainee schemes or camera-related courses?

No. We encourage trainees to be part of any scheme on offer as they can be very beneficial for both training and finding work. We do not directly offer any training or camera courses currently. The logbook should be thought of as a framework and guide towards creating self-driven learners who are working towards achieving a common standard in training. 

Is this a qualification?

No. This is a peer-reviewed system which sets out minimum requirements that need to be met to complete the programme. A completed logbook acts as a record of achievement for the camera trainee, clearly demonstrating a level of competency and skill which is vouched for by working professionals who have signed their name in the book. 

What are CineCertified ambassadors?

Ambassadors are volunteer crew guiding camera trainees and trainers through the logbook, answering questions or concerns along the way. They are not mentors or responsible for giving any training themselves. Each camera trainee on the logbook programme will be assigned two ambassadors, who will be that trainee’s main point of contact, checking in with them as they progress and guiding them towards their final assessment. 

If you would like to know more about CineCertified ambassadors or are interested in becoming one yourself, please get in touch with us:


Can you sign off a camera trainee who you only work with briefly?

Yes! But you must still follow all the protocols laid out in the “declaration for signatories”. Ultimately, responsibility always rests with you, the trainer (focus puller or clapper loader) to ensure that your camera trainee has gained the appropriate level of knowledge on the stage of the training system you are signing them off for. 

If a trainee asks to be signed off, but you don’t have time to assess their understanding of a skill, should you sign them off?

Due to time constraints on set, there may be instances when you are unable to adequately establish whether your camera trainee has gained the appropriate level of knowledge on the stage of the training system they have requested you to sign them off for. 

In these situations, ideally the trainee will know when to choose the right time to not impact the working day and only ask in quiet periods. Please work with your trainee to find a convenient time for your both which does not disrupt the usual flow of the working day and when you can give the attention required. Ultimately, responsibility always rests with you, the trainer, to ensure that your camera trainee has gained the appropriate level of knowledge on the stage of the training system you are signing them off for. 

To sign them off is to say you vouch for their level of training, and to misrepresent the accuracy of this would undermine the framework and learning experience for the trainee. 

Why should I work with the CineCertified framework?

By working together with the framework, we will create a standardised benchmark of competent trainees, because they are all building towards the same level of knowledge requirements and professional development, culminating in a final assessment to test those skills. These camera trainees will be better prepared for a future in the camera department and build on the strong reputation of technical crew throughout the UK. 


Can I sign up, and what are the requirements?

Not at this time. Currently we are in a testing phase. 

What will it cost?

CineCertified aims to make the logbook free and all-accessible.

Will I find the answers I need to know on the Online Training Supplement?

No. CineCertified does not provide the answers or any training. The logbook programme is a framework, empowering you – the learner – by supplying key learning points and initial relevant questions to be self-driven and track your training progress as you build towards your final assessment. 

I often work with the same team, can my focus puller and/or clapper loader sign me off for all camera skills?

Each camera skill is broken down into three stages as per the training system:


2.  DO ONE


Your selected peer/trainer who will be signing you off, can only sign once per skill. This means each individual skill requires 3 different signatures. The reason for this is to encourage working with multiple people, being assessed by different people but importantly a way of ensuring that there is no bias in place. 

To clarify, there are 12 camera skills, each split into 3 stages, totalling 36 stages requiring sign-offs. Meaning you only require a minimum of 3 different signers/trainers to cover all stages of each skill. However, CineCertified highly encourages trainees to work with multiple different crews to learn different working styles and ask as many different people as you can to test your knowledge and vouch for you by signing off for obvious benefits. 

What if, due to time restrictions on set, I am unable to ask questions of get dedicated training time from my peers?

Working on set, as you are aware, can be fast-paced some days and a snails crawl another day. We appreciate it can be difficult to get dedicated training time from your peers during a shoot which is why it is so important to be self-driven with your learning approach in finding the best opportunities, whether on set or away from set. While much training certainly takes place on a working set, you should always be striving in your own time to gain knowledge of all the key learning points, so when you are on set, and there is time available, your questions will be more developed and beneficial. 

If, however, you feel that you are systematically not being given the chance to learn on a job and the reason is unclear, please get in touch with your CineCertified ambassador so that we can work on a solution together. 

Does it qualify me as a clapper loader/second assistant camera?

The camera trainee logbook programme is not a qualification but focussed on being peer-assessed and completing mandatory minimum requirements towards achieving a new benchmark of competency and better preparing you for the role of clapper loader/second assistant camera.