What are CineCertified ambassadors?

They are volunteer, experienced crew who hold a vested interest in installing a new standardised training system. Acting as guides for all ‘users’ of the CineCertified framework, ambassadors are assigned to directly assist the camera trainees who are the learners and both the first and second camera assistants who are the trainers and directly responsible for the trainee’s education.

Who to become an Ambassador?

If you believe in what we are trying to achieve and would like to become an ambassador to help build CineCertified into a success, please email us at:

(With our ambassador role in the future, we aim to install mandatory training in safeguarding practices to effectively assist adults inducted into our logbook programme).

What is the role of the ambassador?

I. Check in with trainees monthly and listen to any concerns regarding the camera trainee’s learning experience
II. Guide users through the logbook programme and answer any questions
III. Ensure that the appropriate level of knowledge is being provided
IV. Ensure that there is no misuse of the logbook programme

(They are not responsible for teaching any of the skills, nor should they be thought of as mentors).

What time commitment is required of ambassadors?

The minimum commitment is to make contact ideally twice a month to each trainee they are assigned to and check in with them on their experiences working with the logbook programme and get an update on their progress. 

(It is at the discretion of each ambassador should they wish to give more time than this, but CineCertified encourages during our soft launch test trials that they kindly help as much as they can for the logbook to be a success in these early days of development).

How many trainees can an ambassador be assigned to?

Ambassadors will be assigned a maximum of four camera trainees.

(During our soft launch test trials we may make alterations to this as we find what works best).

How do ambassadors safeguard the trainees’ training experience?

The ambassador/trainee relationship is that of a neutral contact point that the trainee should feel comfortable discussing any issues or concerns they may have regarding the adequacy of their training on set. Ambassadors will check in monthly with camera trainees and update their progress on the “Camera Trainee Database”. If progress is not being made due to reasons outside of the camera trainee’s control and if required, ambassadors can mediate difficult situations the trainee may not feel comfortable broaching themselves on set. 

What if an ambassador is unavailable?

Situations may arise where a volunteer ambassador becomes unavailable due to work/life commitments. In the event of an ambassador needing to step away or be replaced a new ambassador will be assigned by CineCertified to the trainee affected. 

What if there is a grievance between a trainee and their assigned ambassador?

We appreciate the necessity for a camera trainee to be comfortable when sharing their thoughts with an ambassador. If for whatever reason the need arises, a camera trainee can request to change their ambassador.